How to get rid of the burning of urine

Let's know the things to look for in preventing urinary tract infections -

Drink plenty of water:
To avoid infection in urine, you need to drink plenty of water.  Drinking pure water is essential to prevent urine infection.

Before reading this post I would recommend that you read this post >  Why is urine irritated?

Not amish;  Eat plenty of vegetables
You should refrain from eating Amish during menstruation.  At this time, instead of amish, a lot of vegetables have to be eaten.

Frequent infections:
If urine is irritated, it is advisable to take the right antibiotics at the right time and at the right dose, as advised by a doctor.

  And those who have frequent infections can seek long-term treatment.

Increase the amount of water you drink:
Increasing the amount of drinking water will reduce the pain or irritation problem during urination.

Water will expel contaminated bacteria from the body.  This will help the urine to settle down.

In addition, if you have irritation problems in the urine, the amount of liquid food should be increased.

  For example, soup, juice;  Besides, aquatic fruits and vegetables should be eaten.

Hot Pressure:
You can also apply hot pressure.  It will reduce the bladder pressure and reduce the pain.

For this you can use a heating pad or heat a cloth in the stomach and use it in the stomach.

  Put it on the bottom for 5 minutes.  Wait a while  Give again  Do this a few times.

Yogurt contains healthy bacteria.
It protects the body's pH balance.  Eat two to three cups of yogurt daily to reduce irritation in the urine.

Association with partner:
Before engaging with a partner, one thing to keep in mind is whether your partner has an urine infection.
If that is the case, one must refrain from association.

Because if you have an infection in your partner's urine, it can be yours too.

Thanks for watching this post......!!

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  1. To get rid from infection drink more water and follow these useful tips. To avoid recurrent Uti take herbal dietary supplements for uti.
