The benefits of running in the morning

In spite of other exercise habits, it is safer to run slowly in the early stages.

 You need to start with your body's ability to do as much as possible.

You need to speed up later and set goals that can be reached daily.

One minute of walking to make running a little comfortable and three minutes of running, you can use this technique. This way it can be repeated 3 to 5 times.

So let's consider the benefits of running in the morning:

According to the American Heart Association, running two to three minutes twice a day is the same benefit of running for half an hour continuously.

- The amount of calories burned during the race depends mainly on the speed of the race.

- The muscle is more stressed when running against the slope. As a result, calories are burned higher.

- Running on the slopes naturally will increase your speed. This is useful for players.

- Carrying a dumbbell in the hand while running will also help exercise the upper body. As a result, the calories will burn more.

- You should not start running at your own maximum speed before heating the body.
The pace of racing in the heart, lungs and muscle should be given a chance to match.
So you have to start slowly and increase the speed too.

- You should reduce the speed by a few minutes before stopping the race so that the breathing can return to normal.

- After stopping the race, the muscle should be pulled and held for 20 seconds.

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